Margaret M. Basrai, CPA, CGMA, C.M., Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority
Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority
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Assessment affirms Stable Outlook, cities growing population, expanding economy, and well-maintained financial operations
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (November 13, 2023) – Kroll Bond Rating Agency (KBRA), a prominent nationally recognized credit rating agency, has affirmed its AA- long-term ratings for the Metropolitan Nashville Airport Authority Airport (MNAA) Improvement Revenue Bonds, and A+ for the Subordinate Airport Improvement Revenue Bonds. The assessment also reaffirms MNAA’s Stable Outlook.
The ratings were upheld due to the following key credit factors:
Nashville International Airport® (BNA®) is committed to maintaining strong bond ratings and ensuring transparency with both the investor community and the general public. MNAA offers an investor relations website accessible at